Indonesian Most Popular Fried Rice ~ Secrets of Making Fried Rice

Senin, 20 Agustus 2007

Indonesian Most Popular Fried Rice

Here are the list of Indonesian most popular fried rice:

Nasi Goreng Pete ( Parkia speciosa fried rice )
Like usual indonesian fried rice, then add some Parkia speciosa (petai). This kind of vegetables will make the fried rice has more flavor but sometimes people do not like this vegetables because of its strong flavor and aroma.

Nasi Goreng Kambing ( Lamb fried rice )
Lamb has unique flavor and rougher in texture also contains more cholesterol, but its yummy meat...The strong flavor make this ingredients mix with the fried rice. Tips: use only a little oil when cook this fried rice, because the lamb itself has a lot of grease.

Nasi Goreng Telor Ceplok ( Fried Rice with egg )
Just like ordinary fried rice then add with fried egg.

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